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Reflective Writing​f

The project I have chosen to assess is one of the Level 4 assignments, to design a product which would communicate the passing of time:



The project evolved through a vast array of concepts into the one pictured above.


Skills and Knowledge


Aptitude for designing through a digital platform - 4

This project was a valuable one for prototyping and visualisation skills; there were a number of presentations involved intermittently throughout the project; Photoshop and Illustrator skills were employed throughout.  I felt I was able to well communicate my concepts to my peers during this assignment, it was successful, but could have been more so had I had a better grasp on Solidworks to help with my visualisations.


Knowledge and experience of process, component and production technology - 2

Having not yet been introduced to the manufacturing process module, as a group I feel we were a bit lacking in the necessary knowledge in this area, I had a good background of general knowledge of manufacturing and production so had an approximate idea of how this product could be realised, had I known more of the costing and methods I may have been able to better provide a strong outcome in this assignment.       


Project Process


Experience of design process and methodologies - 3

It was at this point that we were beginning to be introduced to design models, notably the double diamond design process, I believe it strengthened the outcome and the process within the assignment, it encouraged the repeat cycle of experimentation and reflection, I can see that I am continuing to embrace this model at level 5 in the design for crime assignment. More could have been made of the process had I had a higher work rate and quicker process.                                        

Experience of costing projects and fee negotiation - 0

At this stage we had not yet been introduced to the process of costing out a project, I had an approximation of a figure in my mind, but I later learnt that the tooling processes involved I had vastly under estimated, I had no knowledge of the costs of injection moulding, something I feel better educated about now, I feel far better equipped to be able to cost a project.

Experience of planning and managing project activity - 4

Throughout the project we were given a series of deadlines, these were all met and the time used to its maximum potential between deadlines, from the assignments at first year I feel I was at my most productive during this one. Again using the double diamond model I was able to plan my progress and activity. Had I realized there was a use in the process for GANTT charts I may have employed these, but I feel they are more useful to motivate a group rather than an individual.


Enterprise and Marketing


Knowledge of design sectors and creative industries - 4

There was direct research here into the social network product market, to establish whether this type of product was possible, whether it existed already and also whether it would be useful or desirable. The research was of web and journal based, and the market research peer based. At the time the market research seemed appropriate to the task, but the group was too small and similar in demographic to provide a realistic answer, more research must be done, into sectors and markets. Insofar as market research is involved I have looked into online questionnaires and surveys to aid with this aim.                                                                 

Awareness and appreciation of key design futures and innovation trends - 4

There was an element of social networking involved in the concept of this product, which I think was quite a current trend, maybe futuristic, but certainly quite forward thinking, the technology involved also was of a very up to date nature, I was quite pleased with how I brought these elements into an assignment essentially asking us to design (or not to design) a clock.

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